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Han's Laser H12560LBF: Advanced Laser Cutting Machine for Steel Beams,Plates,and Grooves
February 08,2025

The Han's Laser H12560LBF is an innovative and highly versatile Laser Cutting Machine designed to meet the diverse needs of modern industries. This cutting-edge system integrates the ability to cut steel beams, plates, and grooves, providing aseamless and efficient solution for high-precision cutting applications, With its exceptional capabilities, the H12560LBF delivers significant improvements in product quality, production efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.



Key Features of the Han's Laser H12560LBF


1. Multifunctional Design for Streamlined Operations

The H12560LBF Laser Cutting Machine combines the ability to cut steel beams, flat plates, and grooves all within a singlesystem.By eliminating the need for multiple machines, it simplifies production processes, reducing operational costswhile ensuring flexibility.This multifunctional approach is particularly beneficial for industries such as steel fabricationconstruction,and shipbuilding.

2. Expanded Cutting Area for Larger Steel Components

With a large-format gantry-style structure, the H12560LBF can handle heavy-duty profiles and larger dimensions. ltsupports cutting H-beams up to 1250mm x 600mm, with a standard processing length of 12,000mm. Additionally it can cutflat plates uo to 12.000mmx 2500mm and bevel plates uo to 1.000mm x 1500mm, making it ideal for applications reguiringlarger steel components.


3. Precision Cutting with "One-Cut" Technology

The H12560LBF Laser Cutting Machine utilizes advanced Tekla 3D nesting software, ensuring seamless integration andprecision during the cutting process, This technology enables the machine to complete all necessary cutting, includinground holes, lock holes, grooves, and markings, in a single operation. The "One-Cut" approach minimizes secondaryprocessing like grinding or polishing, saving valuable time and ensuring high-quality results.

4. Efficient Cutting for Heavy Profiles

Equipped with a multi-axis CNC system, the H12560LBF delivers high-performance cutting, even for large and heavy steelbeams and channels. lits three-dimensional cutting head can achieve speeds of up to 40m/min, enabling fast and efficientprocessing of complex shapes and heavy-duty profiles. The machine's dynamic performance, enhanced by the board-fol-lowing control system, ensures exceptional cutting precision and improved overall productivity.

5. Dual Workstations for Continuous Production

The dual-workstation design of the H12560LBF Laser Cutting Machine is a key feature that maximizes production efficien-cy. While one workstation is engaged in cutting, the other can be used for loading and unloading materials, This alternatingoperation eliminates downtime and ensures continuous production, sianificantly improving throughput and reducing idletime.

6.Comprehensive Safety Features

afety is a top priority with the H12560LBF, The machine is equipped with a protective laser system that includes laser-resistant alass and metal covers, ensuring the safety of operators by preventing laser radiation and shielding them fromcutting debris. These safety features help meet industry safety standards and provide a secure working environment.

Applications and Benefits

The Han's Laser H12560LBF is an ideal solution for industries involved in the manufacturing of steel structures, construction, shipbuilding, and bridge engineering. its ability to handle a wide variety of steel profiles, from beams to plates andgrooves, allows companies to significantly enhance their cutting processes.

Benefits include

Increased Productivity: The multifunctional design reduces the need for multiple machines, streamlining the productionprocess and increasing output.

Higher Precision: The "One-Cut" technology minimizes errors and reduces the need for additional processing steps.

Cost Efficiency: By reducing the number of operations and increasing production speed, the H12560LBF helps companleslower overall production costs.


The Han's Laser H12560LBF Laser Cutting Machine is a powerful tool for industries that reguire high-precision cutting ofsteel beams, plates, and other complex profiles, its advanced features, such as multifunctional cutting, large-formatcapabilities, and continuous production design, make it an indispensable asset for companies seeking to improve manu.facturing efficiency,reduce costs, and enhance the quality of their products, With its exceptional performance, theH12560LBF stands out as the optimal choice for modern steel processing needs.